What was sundered and undone, shall be whole - the two made one

I became interested in divination over 20 years ago, taking a class at a local metaphysical center on oracle reading. I believed in divination, I just didn’t fully believe I could do it. What I learned is that we all can. The cards (or pendulum or tea leaves or stones or bones, etc.) are simply a tool that helps us sharpen our intuition and offers us insight to the messages we are receiving.

I enjoy doing readings, both for myself and for others. But to be honest, my relationship with my decks wasn’t nearly as deep or meaningful as I now know it could be. So I would waffle back and forth, either using them on a somewhat regular basis or tucking them away and ignoring them for months (or years) on end. Lately, like so many others, I have been feeling the pull. Not only to return to them but to put in the work needed to expand my knowledge and deepen that relationship.


I have both of the Froud decks and enjoy them, but was constantly torn as to which deck to use. The images are beautiful, but I was never really able to fully immerse myself. I felt like I was being pulled in two directions, unable to focus on either.

It was only after I decided to honor my intuition and combine them that something clicked. Bringing all 134 cards together seems to have magnified the energy, enabling me to finally connect in a meaningful way.


I am not gonna lie. This combo has resulted in a chunkster of a deck. I mean, look at how thick that is! As soon as I saw the two together, my first instinct was to reconsider. Although shuffling is a bit of a challenge, I am getting used to it and the energy that I experience working with both decks at once is amazing. Needless to say, I wish I had done this sooner.

I started pulling a card each morning to help me find a focal point for the day. This has also offered me clarity with regard to how I am processing current events and the overall impact they are having on me, both personally and professionally. A very dear friend inspired me to begin journaling my experience with each of the cards. This is not a new concept, but it is a new habit that I feel has enhanced my spiritual practice considerably.


We have a tendency to look outside ourselves for the latest gadget or hottest fad, hoping that will be the proverbial “cure for all that ails you”. Because of my frustration, I had been searching for a shiny new deck to work with. Thankfully, I allowed my intuition to guide me and soon discovered that what I really needed was to see the tools I had in a new light. To not only consider the possibilities, but be open to them.